Saturday, October 11, 2008


So, things have been a bit quiet here at Mouse Milk Books PLC & Sons, what with the whooshing off to the Americas and the having no disposable income of any sort with which to manufacture our dainty little volumes.

Therefore, by way of slight apology, we are ashamed to present "A New Stench on an Old Brush" by, er, me. It's a little book in downloadable pdf format full of very stupid rhyming couplets and it took me literally HOURS to complete. Make of it what you will:

A New Stench on an Old Brush

We're hoping to release my Random Prose Works before the end of this year, but until our finances are a tad more settled that really is just a hope. A Body of Water will definitely be available for consumption soon, but it may be only in pdf format, at least initially.

Love and hisses,


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